Let’s get
to know
each other.
We promise to help create
a younger, stronger,
healthier you.

We make getting
and staying healthy
simple, fast and
The way we think it should be.

We take a sensible approach to self-care that’s based in science, priced fair, and based on the power of your own DNA. We blend science with high quality ingredients to create a supplement plan unique to you. Designed to fit seamlessly into your lifestyle, our program offers an easy-to-use, comprehensive guide to supplements, diet, and lifestyle that focuses on living a life of wellness. We take all of the guess work out of choosing the best, most efficacious supplements, diet and exercise routines for you and your lifestyle.
We first send you a non-invasive DNA test (60 sec. cheek swab) and with those results our nutritionists (yes, real people you can talk to) offer customizable plans and support to help you reach your health goals. Paired with the personalized diet, lifestyle and supplement summary, we make it easy to dial in exactly what you need – whether it be weight loss, hormone, sleep, autoimmune, or overall wellness. Then, we ship the supplements you need right to you…
It’s that easy. Because that’s just the kind of people we are.
We promise a healthier, happier you.

Elaine is a functional nutritionist and has been a supplement educator to medical doctors, naturopaths, and chiropractors for over a decade. she thrives on helping people find the right diet, lifestyle, and supplement plans to compliment their health goals.